Severe winter weather delays delivery of Journal-World print edition
Blizzard-like conditions will delay delivery of the Sunday Journal-World print edition for another day.
Frigid temperatures and large amounts of blowing snow have caused the Journal-World to scrap plans to deliver the Sunday edition on Monday morning. Current plans are to deliver the Sunday print edition of the Journal-World on Tuesday morning, in addition to delivering the Tuesday print edition of the Journal-World.
“We apologize for the delay in delivery,” Journal-World Editor & Publisher Chad Lawhorn said. “Delivering the paper is very important to us, however, current weather conditions make it both treacherous and unwise for our crews to drive the many miles requires to deliver the newspaper.”
The digital replica of the Sunday edition of the Journal-World is now available at All print subscribers have access to the digital edition. Access does require a user name and password. If you have not yet set up an account, email for assistance.
A winter storm will delay delivery of the Sunday Journal-World’s print edition until at least Monday morning.
Severe ice has closed major roadways between Lawrence and the Journal-World’s printing vendor in St. Joseph, Missouri. The Journal-World expects to take delivery of the Sunday edition from its printing contractor late Sunday, at which point delivery to subscribers will begin.
Plans are dependent on the weather. Check back here for updates.