Lifestyle Columns

Local History: A few stories of the Castle Tea Room and its number-loving parrot

It was interesting recently to read that the local United Way organization, seeking to raise its profile, chose to move into an architectural landmark on Massachusetts Street. Located just south of South Park on the west side, the Castle Tea Room is certainly a notable and attractive building ...

Garden Variety: Now’s the time to control crabgrass

Early August is when crabgrass becomes most noticeable in the Lawrence area, and it is especially prolific this year. The weedy grass grows in spreading clumps and favors curb lines, bare spots in the lawn, landscape beds, gardens and sidewalk cracks. Now is the time to control it or make plans ...

Garden Variety: Know how to identify, remove poison ivy

Poison ivy is well known for the reactions most people have from handling or brushing against the plant, but despite its notoriety, many people also find it hard to recognize. To add to the confusion, there are mentions of poison oak and poison sumac. Poison ivy is native to Kansas and ...

Garden Variety: How to handle sweet corn problems and pests

July is sweet corn season in Kansas. While some gardeners are already enjoying fresh ears of corn from their gardens, many are still waiting for kernels to develop or are battling corn earworms, raccoons and deer. Here are some tips for dealing with these problems and pests. The most common ...

Garden Variety: Assassin bugs in your garden? No problem

Many Lawrence-area gardeners are taking notice of an interesting and distinctive insect this summer, which appears to have a larger population than usual. The insect is commonly known as a wheel bug or assassin bug (Arilus cristatus), and it benefits plants by feeding on plant pests. Right ...