Former Commissioner Bob Schumm files to run for Lawrence City Commission

photo by: Bremen Keasey
Former City Commissioner Bob Schumm filed Wednesday to enter the race for Lawrence City Commission.
Former three-time commissioner Bob Schumm announced Wednesday that he has filed to run for Lawrence City Commission.
Schumm, a retired restaurant owner who still owns properties in downtown Lawrence, previously served stints on the commission from 1979 to 1981,1987 to 1993 and most recently from 2011 to 2015.
Schumm is the first candidate in this election cycle to file who has experience on the commission. The four other candidates who have filed are Ruby Mae Johnson, Alex Kerr, Steve Jacob and Eric Hyde, as the Journal-World reported.
Schumm touted his previous stints on the commission as part of the reason why he is running, saying in a news release that he sees “a genuine need for an experienced voice to help move the city forward.”
Among his priorities, Schumm said he wants to address the “ever-increasing property tax morass” and wants to find a way to balance the budget without a mill rate levy increase. Other priorities include focusing on increasing affordable housing and reducing homelessness, completing the Lawrence Loop, reinvesting in the city’s downtown and working to protect the city’s interest in KU’s proposed Gateway Project.
“I want to keep Lawrence a high quality and affordable place to live,” Schumm said.
Two seats will be available on the City Commission in the upcoming election, with the four-year terms of Commissioners Lisa Larsen and Bart Littlejohn set to end in 2025. Neither Larsen nor Littlejohn had filed for reelection as of Friday, Feb. 21.
The deadline to file for election is June 2. If necessary, a primary will be held on Aug. 5. The general election will be on Nov. 4.