Fee options, a greater piece of the tax pie and a foundation to accept donations were just a few recommendations for creating revenue that Lawrence staff and consultants outlined Monday for the Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan.
The city presented parts of its plan to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Cultural Arts Commission on Monday night — the first public presentation of portions from ...
The calendar had barely flipped from 2024 to 2025, but Mike Lawless was already bracing for what might be his department's biggest operation of the year.
A serious storm was coming, and for his snow removal team with Lawrence's Municipal Services and Operations division, that was going to mean days of nonstop work — an operation that would span more than a week, sometimes with people working 12-hour shifts ...
Lawrence city commissioners will consider approving construction and engineering agreements with two firms for work on the city's new Municipal Services and Operations campus.
The agreements would cover different parts of the construction work on the campus, which would be located at VenturePark in eastern Lawrence on the site of the former Farmland Industries fertilizer plant. One would be a $17,983,565 ...
Inside the parking garage in the 900 block of New Hampshire Street, there's nothing to look at right now but a "dark gray space," in the words of Lawrence's parking manager. But this spring, a new mural will add a spot of sunshine — and a lot of local pride.
The mural will be painted by local artist Mona Cliff, who has plenty of experience with public art projects in Lawrence and the Kansas City area, and it ...
Enhancing a city gateway and Lawrence's connection to the Kansas River. Improving railroad crossings. Evaluating future economic development. These topics will be key parts of the upcoming North Lawrence Comprehensive Corridor Study.
The initial scope of the study will be presented to the Connected City Advisory Board on Wednesday just for informational purposes, but the city has budgeted $675,000 over the next ...
Haskell Indian Nations University and the City of Lawrence have entered a five-year agreement to offer educational activities and research programs at the Prairie Park Nature Center.
The nature center, a 100-acre preserve at 2730 Harper St., close to Haskell, provides Haskell staff and student interns the opportunity to give an Indigenous perspective and knowledge of the land, culture and methodologies through ...