Lawrence school board to hold 4 executive sessions as part of special meeting Monday

Lawrence school board President Erica Hill has called a special meeting of the board on Monday for the purpose of holding executive sessions on four topics.

The four executive sessions will occur consecutively and are as follows: 1) the superintendent’s evaluation, pursuant to personnel matters of nonelected personnel (60 minutes); 2) Kansas Open Meetings Act training, deemed privileged in the attorney‐client relationship (30 minutes); 3) negotiations, to protect the public interest in negotiating a fair and equitable contract (15 minutes); and 4) discussion of safety measures pursuant to the Kansas Open Meetings Act, to ensure the security of district buildings (15 minutes), according to an announcement from school district spokesperson Julie Boyle. The meeting will take place at 6 p.m. Monday.

The announcement states there will be no action following the executive sessions, and Boyle said that because it is a special meeting there will be no public comment period.