Letter: Facility proposal

To the editor:

I am glad to hear that the City Commission is considering other plans for the new police station. One proposal is to remodel the Riverfront mall. Although this would be a less expensive improvement over the original plan, the area is too congested and I question the single facility solution. The rationale for a single facility is outdated and unconvincing, e.g. we were told about the original plan that “crimes are solved around the water cooler.” Consequently, I propose the following plan.

  1. To the extent necessary, utilize the unfinished 20,000 square feet at the Billings/Wakarusa station. Move the patrol units needed for the area west of Iowa from the courthouse to this location. Move the detective division from this location to the courthouse to have easy access to the prosecutors and courts.
  2. Build a substation east of Iowa. Move the patrol units needed for the area east of Iowa from the courthouse to this substation. Incorporate a warehouse in this substation to store old evidence files, extra vehicles, etc.

This proposal will be far more efficient and far less costly than the original proposed $28 million facility near the toll road exit on North Iowa. Patrol units will be much closer to their base and detectives will be in their optimal location. In sum, taxpayers will get better service and protection at a fraction of the cost.

Ed White,
