Letter: Neglected needs

To the editor:

In March 2011, the Lawrence Police Department provided the city a “top down review” of priorities, goals, and objectives – it’s available on the department’s website, so see for yourself. The general sense I got when I read it is how behind our department was on having its needs met. From personnel to equipment to radio and computer systems. And of course, facility needs.

Keep in mind that the city has been aware of the need for a police facility since 1993. By 1999 the cost for a new facility was estimated at $10 million. Instead of investing in a new facility, $2.25 million was spent on an existing office building. With an inadequate renovation budget and no additional funds allocated since then, the current situation was foreseeably inevitable.

With the “patchwork” of poor and dysfunctional facilities, outdated computer systems, lack of modern equipment and additional personnel needs, some of the statistics should not be surprising.  What is surprising is that we let it get to this point. Perhaps we took our fine officers for granted; they are always there for us and without complaint; that’s called honorable service. As a community when we don’t hear/see a problem, we assume there isn’t one.  

So, not counting the 1990s, this discussion has been going on for almost four years now. There have been numerous commission meetings and study sessions in regard to police needs.  

It’s much past time that we addressed the critical facility needs of our department.