Letter: We’re to blame

To the editor:

I was not surprised to learn that most of the 1.74 million registered Kansas voters are Republican or that Republicans outnumber Democrats by nearly 2 to 1 — 44 percent to 24 percent (Journal-World, Aug. 31). What surprised me — doing the math — was that the total registered with party affiliation is only 68 percent. Nearly one-third of all Kansas voters are not affiliated with either party. A third of registered Kansas voters — over 550,000 — play no meaningful role in primary elections. And these numbers don’t consider those who are not registered at all, or the percentage who actually vote.

On the same day, the Kansas City Star reported a drive for voter registration in Ferguson, Mo., following recent riots. I’ve read the population of Ferguson is 70 percent African American, with a nearly all-white city government, and a police force that has only three African American officers. It was reported that only 12 percent have voted in recent municipal elections. In light of these facts, the people of Ferguson should look in a mirror to find causes for the obvious disconnect between the community and its government.

Most people fear guns and want more, not less, regulation. Who was not appalled at an Uzi in the hands of a 9-year old girl, or surprised at the result? (Leonard Pitts, Jr., Aug.14) Why are we returning to the “wild, wild, West”? The gun issue is just one example of the disconnect between “We The People” and our government. But then, in democracy, we have only ourselves to blame.