Letter: Law of the land

To the editor:

Gov. Brownback chooses to waste taxpayer money supporting legislation that violates the supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution and, therefore, will ultimately be repealed. Recent state legislation regarding the lessor prairie chicken as well as the law that states that Kansas officials can arrest federal agents if they attempt to enforce federal laws that concern any gun made in Kansas are examples of this.

Now he states that he will continue to defend the Kansas constitutional amendment stating that marriage is limited to a man and woman, in spite of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision to not take up this issue. The court’s action, or lack thereof, will ultimately support gay marriage and our constitutional revision.

Our governor and our legislators should choose to follow the law of the land, regardless of  personal preferences and political ploys and spend our taxpayer dollars more reasonably. How about more money for education, infrastructure, health care, aid to the poor, etc.? Please vote on Nov. 4.