Letter: Police response

To the editor:

The representatives for the group of citizens against the new police facility have publicly stated there is a significant need for this facility and this project should have been a priority over already completed projects. Let that resonate for a moment. A need so significant even those opposed to this project concede it’s need and recognize it as an overlooked priority.    

Some have questions about location, about how this improves safety and have anger towards past decisions. Simplified, the answers are that hundreds of man-hours spent travelling back and forth between facilities can be put on the street or towards investigations. The location has been thoroughly vetted and, if you take the time to learn about the location, it becomes easy to see why it is the best location available. If you are upset about past priorities, this is your chance to show what the priority should be.  

So it’s clear most understand the need and it’s clear this facility should be the priority. The final question is do you support your police officers? If you understand how significant this need is, there is only one answer within the vote that says, “Yes.” Let there be no doubt, your officers are asking for your help. Every day, officers respond to countless calls asking them for help.  Regardless of this vote, we will be there to answer that call.  This time, the police are making the call for your help. How will you respond?