Former congresswoman endorses Brownback

? Former Republican Congresswoman Jan Meyers formally endorsed Gov. Sam Brownback on Monday, saying she never intended to endorse Democrat Paul Davis, as the Davis campaign had suggested last week.

“I wanted to set the record straight on the recent announcements that some Republicans including me are not supporting Governor Brownback’s re-election,” Meyers said in a statement released Monday. “For my part, nothing could be further from the truth. I do support Sam Brownback for another term as Governor.”

Last week, the Davis campaign announced that 104 high-profile moderate Republicans, mostly former elected officials, had formed a new group, Republicans for Kansas Values, to endorse Davis for governor. Meyers’ name was included on that list.

But Meyers later said she only joined the group because she is a moderate Republican, but that she never intended it to be taken as an endorsement for Davis.

Both campaigns had used an increasingly popular strategy to promote their announcements in advance, using social media to encourage voters and potential supporters to sign up and provide their email addresses so they could be the first to hear what was billed as big news.