Letter: IRS crimes

To the editor:

Dating back to just after President Obama was elected, there was an effort to scrutinize conservative groups, applying for 501c3 status, by the IRS. Extraordinary requirements were requested of these groups.

At the center of this controversy is Lois Lerner. The known facts are that she had communication to the Justice Department, sitting Democratic senators and the White House. There is evidence, in writing from her own email, that she was seeking the possibility of a higher position within the current administration. It is known that she requested subordinates within the IRS to forward these applications directly to her.

The then-director of the IRS made over 100 visits to the White House from 2010 to 2012. To date, most of the groups that applied for 501c3 status have still not received an approval or denial of their application. They are still on hold for review.

Lois Lerner is called before the House Committee that is holding hearings on the investigation and pleads the 5th Amendment. We come to find out that her emails within the IRS are still intact but her emails traveling outside of the IRS are lost and not recoverable. (IT people: Do you believe this?) Specifically the ones to the White House, Justice Department and the sitting Democratis senators. The investigation by the Justice Department is being headed by an Obama donor. This is corruption at its worst. Our Constitution does not allow the ends to justify the means. Crimes have been committed.