Letter: Not so terrible

To the editor:

Regarding the Larryville Mom’s column, a suggestion for a mom with a child entering this stage, the so-called “terrible twos.”

This can really be the most delightful time, when taken as a challenge, for Mom that is.

We are so used to that tiny, pliable sweet infant who had no choice, really, than to do things our way. All of a sudden the sweet young thing discovers she can have an opinion all her own!

So, rather than “Melissa put on your sweater.” It was “Melissa, which do you prefer, your red sweater or your blue sweater.”

Eventually she recognized the pattern, so when she refused to put on her mittens on a disastrously cold day I saidm, “OK, I trust your judgment. You go outside and stand on the porch. We will do whatever you decide. So, out she went while I stayed inside and hoped like crazy that I had guessed right.

I had and she did, but, she also got choose which color mittens. And, if I remember correctly, she also got to decide when she’d put them on.

Raising kids is fun!