Letter: Grazing flap

To the editor:

A Bunkerville, Nev., rancher has been much in the news of late. Cliven Bundy grazes his cattle on land owned and regulated by the Bureau of Land Management. The Taylor Grazing Act passed Congress in 1934 specified what western lands would be publicly owned and would be leased out. Bundy has not paid his fees for the last 20 years and BLM has just let him slide. So now he owes one million dollars.

That is totally ridiculous. I think the BLM should be called to task for letting this go on so long and then showing up at the ranch with a SWAT team and snipers to confiscate the cattle. I doubt any of his neighbors were surprised when Bundy, his cowhands and friends pulled out a few guns of their own, fearing a repeat of Ruby Ridge and Waco the FBI left.

So, is Bundy going to continue to graze his cows on free grass and water? What about the scofflaws that have gathered to this as flies to honey? It is my contention that the armed men from out of town have no interest in either Bundy or his cattle but rather in anarchy for its own sake.

So, what is going to happen now? If the authorities try to confiscate cattle to pay off the debt will the result be gunfire? Just let Bundy continue to graze his cattle on BLM land and flout the law while his neighbors pay their fees?