Divorce ban?

To the editor:

Kudos to Steve Craven for his letter of Jan. 29, dealing with homophobic religious fundamentalists who quote obscure passages from the Old and New Testament to put the fear of God in us.   

I’d like to add one more example of the hypocrisy exhibited by these biblical “scholars.” Have you noticed that the words of Jesus according to the Gospels make no mention of homosexuality? One would suppose that if it’s such a horrendous sin, Jesus would have condemned it. One thing that Jesus does condemn in at least two Gospels is the topic of divorce (Matthew 5:32; Mark 10:11,12). Why isn’t there a law in Kansas forbidding divorce?

Our political and religious leaders are missing a sure bet. Quote those verses and refuse to grant divorces in Kansas and we will make history. Next time someone starts quoting from the book of Leviticus to condemn homosexuality, surprise them by mentioning the divorce passages. My experience has been that they either change the topic or they walk away.