Insulting ads

To the editor:

I enjoyed and agreed with Allen Hickey’s letter to the editor regarding false negative accusations made during the past elections. I was really happy the elections were over because of the monotonous, repetitive political ads you had to endure every time you turned on the television or radio. Opponents resembled third-grade school children arguing on the playground, each accusing the other of such things as mismanagement, taxes or spending.

I felt the majority of the ads were undignified, and intellectually insulting. There seems to be no accountability regarding making true factual statements in political ads. It seems acceptable to rely on any kind of insulting innuendoes, half-truths and downright fabrications. It is obvious to me politicians have learned nothing about ethics after witnessing the last four or five years of our nation’s leaders lying constantly to the American public.

Another thing that bothers me is the billions of dollars spent nationwide on political advertisements. This leads me to believe that special interests are too involved. This money could have been better spent feeding hungry children, creating jobs for the unemployed, providing shelters for the homeless, etc. It would seem that at some point in time, an election could take place where only the truth and good manners are allowed.

Craig Tucker and Judy Northway,