Stop complaining

To the editor,

The Bible quotes Jesus: “For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you wish you can do good for them.” Apparently he failed to mention we will always have tax-whiners among us, too. George Lippencott’s letter of April 22 is a case in point. The right wing has succeeded indoctrinating many Americans to believe we are somehow overtaxed. We live like kings and queens compared to most people on the planet, and we complain about it. Many Americans are spoiled and numbed by their affluence. Few mention gratitude for our vast wealth and standard of living. Blessings go unacknowledged and apparently unappreciated.

Conservatives rail about “tax and spend” Democrats. They ignore the “borrow and spend” tactics of the modern day Republicans. Even John McCain proposes more tax cuts (mostly to the upper class) rather than any attempt to balance the budget. These Republicans are conservative in name only. At least the Democrats have the guts to tax and pay for their spending. Republicans apparently prefer to let future generations pay for current irresponsible spending/tax policies. The $2 trillion Iraq war bill will be a nice gift for our children. If you choose to go to war, at least have the guts to pay for it.

It is easy to complain about wasteful spending. It is more difficult to come up with a detailed plan on what and how much to cut. The first thing conservatives often want to cut is social programs. It is just un-Christian to think in these terms. If Jesus were in his grave he’d be spinning.

Kelvin Schartz,
