Confusing plan

To the editor:

In a recent speech, our president said he wanted to set an agenda that “everyone could understand.”

I immediately thought of Medicare Plan D, which is still bombarding us seniors on TV, in our mailboxes, and in local programs by interest organizations.

The people who thought of 42-plus different plans for one solution to our prescription drug problem must not be senior citizens. They devoted many hours to the task, I assume, but ended up just confusing the senior citizens of our country. The insurance companies must be elated.

There are many, many seniors struggling to decipher all the features of this plan. Many are alone. Others are uneducated and finding it impossible to follow all the requirements in the forms. Others are educated but, as seniors, not as alert and capable of figuring out details as they once were.

With all the complicated instructions in “the plan” I’m sure many other citizens will find it frustrating to reach a decision on the best plan for them.

I assume that the creators of “Plan D” are hoping that seniors will give up in frustration and have to go without their necessary medications. Heaven forbid!

Vera De Mott,
