Home and Garden

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Locals use time at home to work on renovations, creative projects

Adam Sullivan wasn’t able to be with his wife, Kacey Sullivan, for her ultrasound appointment a couple weeks ago. It was an experience the couple wanted to share: seeing their future baby for the first time. But due to restrictions placed on doctors’ offices by the coronavirus, Sullivan ...

Garden Variety: Extend the harvest season with succession planting

To make the most of garden space and extend the amount of time that vegetables are harvested from the garden, consider succession planting. Succession planting is a process that takes a little bit of planning, but most gardeners can easily incorporate it into their year-round planting routines ...

Garden Variety: Edible flowers add flavors, textures, colors to meals

Pansies, daylilies and other flowers are better known for their cherry blossoms than their delicate flavors, but they are edible and add interesting flavors, textures and colors to meals. Edible flowers are rare in the grocery store, but many species are easy to grow in landscapes and food ...

Garden Variety: How to grow vegetables, herbs in containers

Planting vegetables and herbs in containers is an easy way to start gardening on a small scale and is ideal for people who lack yards or whose yards are unfavorable for a traditional garden. A few crops can be planted now, and supplies can be gathered for later spring plantings. Selecting a ...

Garden Variety: Garden centers stay open, but with some changes

Local garden centers are working hard to adapt to the coronavirus pandemic and get necessary items to customers in the safest manner possible. Usually, shopping for plants is an experience in itself. The air smells different in a greenhouse in spring, full of the earthiness of potting soil and ...

Garden Variety: Divide your perennials for better performance

Hostas, daylilies, sedums, daisies and other perennial flowers and ornamental grasses can outgrow their space and exhibit reduced performance over time. Digging plants up, dividing them and replanting smaller portions is the best way to alleviate these problems. Fall is often touted as the best ...