Lifestyle Columns

Local History: Amos Lawrence gave a name and more to our city

Where are you from? Lawrence, Kan., of course. But why Lawrence, of all the names our city could have? Turns out, it all goes back to Mass. ­Massachusetts, that is. Lawrence, Mass., is named after Abbott Lawrence, who was the uncle of Amos Adams Lawrence. The Lawrences were a distinguished, ...

Spirits: Mint juleps steeped in American social, political history

I’m sure most of us have heard of the mint julep, a bourbon-based cocktail associated with the American South and the Kentucky Derby. During the Civil War and up until 1920s, the mint julep was the drink of choice and Tom Bullock made one of the best around. Born in 1872, Bullock was the son ...

Garden Variety: How bitter cold affects plants — and pests

The bitter cold that accompanied recent winter storms in the Lawrence area will likely have long-lasting effects on certain trees and landscape plantings. And while many gardeners think the silver lining of the cold is a decrease in insect and mite populations, the actual effect is difficult ...

Local History: Was local artist Adam Rohe a forgotten Stan Herd?

One of Lawrence’s most famous artists is Stan Herd. Originally born in Protection, he’s done crop and earthwork art around the world, and his ingenious use of nature has delighted viewers. It has always seemed appropriate to me that he is following in the footsteps of Adam Rohe, an ...

Garden Variety: Should you remove vines from trees?

English ivy, Virginia creeper and other perennial vines are sometimes found growing up the trunks of trees in landscapes and wooded areas. They are more obvious in winter months than other times of year because of the lack of greenery on affected trees. Most experts recommend removing vines ...

Spirits: Cream liqueur gets popular as winter weather sets in

I would have to guess that more coffee is consumed during the winter months than any other time of the year. Since the invention of coffee, we have been adding things in it to soften the bitterness. Irish creams continue to be one of our hottest categories during the winter months, year after ...