Live from the Democratic Convention

Why Sebelius wasn’t the choice

What a difference a day makes.Gov. Kathleen Sebelius spoke to the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday, and vice presidential nominee U.S. Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., speaks Wednesday night.So now that it has been a few days since Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama picked Biden - and ...

Live during the Bill Clinton and Joe Biden speeches

Obama compliments all the speakers"If I'm not mistaken Hilary Clinton rocked the house last night." Bill Clinton reminded folks what is was like to have a president "who actually puts people first."Change starts from the bottom up, he says.Now the Democratic National Convention moves to ...

Kansas delegates pack medical supplies for impoverished nations

DENVER - Approximately 20 Kansas delegates went to a massive warehouse outside Denver to help prepare medical supplies to be shipped to impoverished areas of the world.As part of the Democratic National Convention, all state delegations were assigned a public service project.The Kansas ...

Schweitzer rocks

_Paul Davis is one of three Lawrence delegates to the Democratic National Convention who will be blogging on Check back often to see what they're saying.>_Next to Barack Obama, Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer is my favorite politician. There is something about a bolo tie, blue ...

Live thoughts on the Hillary Clinton speech

Dan Lykins of Topeka, a delegate for Clinton, said the rift between supporters of Obama and Clinton has been exaggerated. At a meeting of top supporters earlier this week, Clinton told them she will "totally" support Obama, Lykins said.After that speech, there must be little doubt about how ...

Michelle charms Denver

_Paul Davis is one of three Lawrence delegates to the Democratic National Convention who will be blogging on Check back often to see what they're saying.>_Michelle Obama has received a bad rap.Many conservatives twisted her comment about her national pride many months ago and ...