Shawnee Chamber of Commerce Presentation Slides

Last Tuesday (11/10/09) Ben, Kristen and I presented the basics of social media at the Shawnee Chamber of Commerce monthly luncheon.

Presenting the basics is always difficult, because you’re never certain how much the audience knows about the topic. While it’s challenging, I love presenting to groups who have yet to drink the Kool Aid, because they ask the best questions. I also like that we’re doing a lot of educational sessions for the community (Did you attend our Learn to Tweet event?) A crucial part of integrating online tools into our news coverage and our community is making sure our readers know how to use them!

I uploaded our slides to so you can see them, too. Please leave any good or bad feedback in the comments. Remember it’s not always the same as seeing the slides live, since we don’t have a recording of the actual speech.

~ Whitney