Brownback speech moves audience on left, but questions remain

Sen. Sam Brownback, as expected, this week attended “Pentecost 2006,” a gathering of liberal Christians overseen by Jim Wallis, the editor of Sojourners, a liberal Web site apparently has the most complete account of Brownback’s appearance:_Rep. James E. Clyburn, R-S.C., a former chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus and a top lieutenant in the House Democratic leadership, was giving a sermon-like speech Tuesday afternoon to a rainbow-colored crowd in the Hart Senate Office Building. The audience was dominated by casually-dressed people in their 20s and 30s sitting on the floor of a large, open room, giving the space the feel of a rally in a church basement. Sitting behind Clyburn, listening appreciatively and waiting his turn to speak, was Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., an archconservative whose outspoken stands against gay marriage and support for President Bush’s economic policies have put him at or near the top of the progressive movement’s enemies list.__Clyburn recalled a New Testament injunction that “faith without works is dead” and said that such issues as protecting the environment, providing food and health care assistance, and education aid are “faith issues.” He issued this warning to his political colleagues, including Brownback: “Yes, we have heard your words. You have some great expressions. We are now looking at your works.”__Brownback followed with a speech that included a quotation from Jesus Christ: “To whom much is given, from him much will be required.” Speaking in a manner that moved the crowd, he told of his trips to Africa, including the Darfur region, to see refugee camps and people suffering from AIDS. He closed by imploring listeners to “take this moment and not harvest it for political advantage but harvest it for the poor.”__But Brownback is also among the senators who have supported President Bush’s tax cuts, which represent the antithesis of an ethic of requiring much of those who have much. Brownback supports cutting the estate tax, which would leave money in the hands of the wealthiest Americans instead of “harvesting” it, to borrow a word from Brownback, to help pay for the programs Wallis is trying to advance._Other links today:Sam Brownback links(Wichita Eagle commentary) So showing contempt for Congress is respectful? Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., was among the many GOP no-shows at an important Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday — on President Bush’s use of signing statements 750 times to flex his executive power and signal his disdain for all or parts of laws he has signed. Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., is so concerned about the practice that he’s thinking Congress might sue the president over the dismissive statements.Pat Roberts links(Christian Broadcasting Network News) Backlash Grows over Publishing of Secret Terrorism Info: On Capitol Hill, leaders in the House and Senate are exploring ways to go on record and publicly condemn the media for reporting on classified information. The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS), wants a government investigation of whether The New York Times’ story hurt the program. Roberts said, “We cannot continue to operate in a system where the government takes steps to counter terrorism, while the media actively works to disclose those operations without any regard for protection of lives, sources, and legal methods.”How to contact As always, you can find information to contact members of the Kansas congressional delegation here.