Brownback stands in way of stem cell bill

Sam Brownback(USA Today) Senate to address stem cell bills: The Senate could debate as early as next week a three-bill package thatincludes a measure to expand federal funding for stem cell research usinghuman embryos. President Bush has threatened to veto the fundingmeasure, which passed the House of Representatives in May 2005. … Sens. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., Sam Brownback, R-Kan.,and other opponents say it is wrong to destroy humanlife for any reason, whether it is an embryo for stem cellresearch or a fetus in an abortion. They say that alternativeresearch on adult stem cells is more ethical and thatcloning embryos to harvest stem cells should be bannedbecause it is immoral.Jim Ryun(Washington Post) New Links Between Abramoff, White House: Lobbyist Jack Abramoff had a half-dozen White House appointments in the early months of the Bush administration, according to logs released yesterday by the U.S. Secret Service. … Among those with whom Abramoff met in the spring of 2001 was Cesar Conda, then assistant to the vice president for domestic policy, and Catharine Ryun, executive assistant to the director of the faith-based office and daughter of Rep. Jim Ryun (R-Kan.).Todd Tiahrt and Sam Brownback(Human Events commentary) Four Ways to Reduce Government Waste: Congress will soon consider legislation to establish a commission that could bring an end to wasteful and counter-productive government programs. Representatives Todd Tiahrt (R.-Kan.) and Kevin Brady (R.-Tex.) are the authors of two leading bills (H.R. 2470 and H.R. 3282) that have been introduced in the House. The Senate will consider a similar proposal by Sam Brownback (R.-Kan.) as part of a comprehensive package of budget process reforms (S. 3521). Reform is necessary because the current budget process provides Congress little incentive to eliminate programs that clearly do not work. A well-designed government waste commission could overcome the budget process’s pro-spending bias and encourage lawmakers to cut failing programs, providing enormous taxpayer savings.How to contact As always, you can find information to contact members of the Kansas congressional delegation here.