Stymied on intelligence reform

U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts started his weekend asking for a victory cigar. It ended with his efforts to produce reform of America’s intelligence agencies up in smoke.Roberts thought on Saturday he had a deal to break a congressional deadlock on a bill that would have overhauled the nation’s intelligence agencies along lines recommended by the Sept. 11 commission. AP reported Saturday: “Give me a cigar,” said the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan. He flashed a “V” for victory with his hand after signing off on the deal. But House Speaker Denny Hastert scuttled the bill later Saturday, after hearing complaints from conservative Republicans concerned the Pentagon would lose control over its battlefield intelligence.All of which left Roberts frustrated. “I think some of us who have been working for reform perhaps underestimated the strong undertow of opposition to this and support for status quo,” he told Fox News Sunday.He added: “Some of it is turf, you know, quite frankly. Some of it is from the Pentagon. Some of it, quite frankly, is from the White House, despite what the president has said.”And Roberts warned of dangers ahead.”And I will tell you, after a WMD report that we issued in the Senate after the House-Senate investigation, after Dr. David Kay and after Charles Duelfer and the 9/11 Report, if somebody doesn’t understand that there is a systemic problem in the intelligence community, all 15 agencies, and that we need reform, they’re like an ostrich.”Other links today:Sam Brownback links Prenatal tests stir host of ethical issuesDennis Moore links Democrat’s awkward detour (last item)Todd Tiahrt links GOP leaders add abortion clause to spending billHow to contact As always, you can find information to contact members of the Kansas congressional delegation here.