The home stretch

It’s almost Election Day. Do you know how your candidates stand?Both of the Congressional races in northeast Kansas appear to be tight, according to The Wichita Eagle:“Last weekend a Kansas City Star poll gave (Democratic U.S. Rep. Dennis) Moore 50 percent of the vote to (Republican challenger Kris)Kobach’s 38 percent, with 11 percent undecided. “Kobach’s politically bloody victory over Adam Taff in the August primary made GOP unity more difficult. “He’s also running a campaign that emphasizes conservative voter turnout rather than appeals to moderate Republicans. “That, Kobach said, may make the polls less valid.”No such poll cited for the Jim Ryun-Nancy Boyda race:Democrat “Boyda is considered the underdog in the race, but she’s kept up with (incumbent Republican) Ryun in campaign fund raising and has kept the race competitive much longer than national observers thought she would. “‘She’s spent a lot more money than anyone else has spent against me,’ Ryun said. “Boyda said her message is what will pay off on Election Day. “‘I’m the dark horse,’ she said, ‘the one everyone will look at on Nov. 3 and say, ‘She really pulled this off.'”The other races for seats in the Kansas congressional delegation seem to be foregone conclusions.”Sen. Sam Brownback and Reps. Todd Tiahrt of Goddard and Jerry Moran of Hays are heavily favored in their bids for re-election. Other links:Sam Brownback links The battle for the Catholic vote Brownback says he thinks New Homestead Act may succeedPat Roberts links Putting food aid in perspectiveDennis Moore-Kris Kobach links Stations pull program featuring Kobach, pastorJerry Moran links Moran says it’s wrong for nation to pass on debt to next generationHow to contact As always, you can find information to contact members of the Kansas congressional delegation [here.][7] [1]: