Letter to the editor: White’s prediction

To the editor:

It was William Allen White who said that whatever happens in the country happens first in Kansas.

You may not be old enough, as I am, to remember when “voodoo economics” came into the American political lexicon. Well, it was and still is the same faith-based economics Kansans have enjoyed under the two terms of Gov. Sam Brownback. Its guiding principle is that reducing taxes will sufficiently stimulate economic growth that tax revenues will paradoxically (miraculously?) increase.

Well, with the recent passage of the federal tax cut and spending legislation, voodoo economics is now the guiding principle and official economic policy of the whole country, just as the sage of Emporia predicted. All Americans are now headed into the desert on half a tank of gas, apparently, as President Trump called us, a “nation of believers” believing that somehow we’ll make it across.

Before Congress chose this course of action, it would have been wise to turn to the nearest Kansan and ask, as Dr. Phil would, “How did that work out for you?”