Letter to the editor: Jail price shocking

To the editor:

I’ve been following the county jail expansion vote. The price tag is shocking. The expansion will cost $44 million to build (if the plan comes in on time), plus $15,959,000 in interest payments on the loan, plus $103,700,000 for additional operations over the next 20 years. That’s $163,659,000 in taxes over a 20-year period, or $8,182,950 a year. All for the ability to lock up an additional 179 people.

If we are willing to spend this much of our own money, shouldn’t we at least try to understand what is causing crime to occur at the rate it is? Shouldn’t we maybe spend a tiny fraction to first see if there are better, cheaper ways to use our money that might lower the crime rate? Recently, the Douglas County United Way announced cuts to three social services agencies as it struggles to raise $1.5 million in its annual drive. In Douglas County, mental health services are needed. Social services are needed. Affordable housing is needed. Access to decent-paying jobs and health care is needed. These are the avenues that need more exploration and investment by our elected officials before sticking taxpayers with an enormous and possibly never-ending bill for more and more jail beds which will only serve as a band-aid. If you don’t treat the cause, the symptoms only get worse. This vote is a referendum on what kind of community Lawrence/Douglas County wants to be. The easy (and expensive) way out is not always the best answer.