Letter to the editor: Bad choices

To the Editor:

As the November election creeps closer, both candidates from the major parties are disliked by many voters. Polling shows that a majority of citizens distrust both of them and have no faith in the government to police itself, as it applies the law only when it wants to. Why choose either?

How about an alternative: Vote for “None of the above.” Some will say that it is a wasted vote and will only elect the other candidate. What if a majority of voters vote that way? Yes, one of them will “win,” but if a large number of voters express their dissatisfaction, then the winner is a lame choice, having failed to garner the support of a vast number of voters. Perhaps that will send the message to the “official” parties that they are not listening to us.

Few in public affairs act from a view of good for the country, whatever they pretend; and, though their acts may bring good, they come from considering that their own interests are as one and are not acting out of benevolence. Fewer still act with a view to the good of mankind.

Not being a tech wizard, getting an online grassroots effort for such a vote would be difficult; but maybe there is someone more proficient to take up such a cause.