Letter to the editor: A hyped election

To the editor:

There has been way too much hyperbole (“hype” for short) in this election season. Webster defines hyperbole as “speech which obviously exaggerates.”

Wow! One candidate (I will not use names here) tries to tell us that “our military is lacking.” In fact, we have the best, most prepared and competent military on the earth. The candidate says that our Navy is lacking in the number of ships it needs. According to who? How does this candidate, who did not serve one day of military service (myself, I served in the Vietnam era), know one single thing about military affairs or naval strength and strategy?

The candidate wants to make America “great” again. Hmm… Define this. We are the greatest nation that ever existed on the face of the earth. If it is not so hot for you, well, maybe you need to look at you. Possibly a lot of the folks spreading this hype (see my definition) are simply unable to figure out just what “great” is and how really blessed they are and what opportunities they have to be American citizens. Don’t listen to the hyperbole spread by various candidates and politicians who have agendas that have become illogical drivel in this election season.

I hope that most of our citizens are intelligent enough to recognize that all this “hype” is just that: “Speech which obviously exaggerates.”