Letter: What’s the plan?

To the editor:

Several times daily, a machine calls about some political candidate. On TV, the candidates are so busy belittling each other that nobody knows their platforms. Not giving jobs to China and India probably will not work due to free enterprise. Health care by Obama was considered a failure, but what is their plan.

These politicians do not have a plan, but only know how to knock others plans. What about gun control? Are we going to let a few more innocent people get killed like Sandy Hook children? The right to bear arms is great, but so is the right to live. Did these children have this right? 

I would like the news media to pin down these candidates on their platforms exactly like on homeland security, gun control, health care, jobs, etc.  Trump, Rubio, Cruz, Clinton and Sanders need to have plans. I want to see some solid evidence before I vote for any one of them.