Letter: Misplaced power

To the editor:

The response of the Republican Party and some media pundits early Wednesday morning has me upset enough to write a response at 6:30 a.m.

I am first a citizen of the greatest democracy in the world. Thank God! I also spent my first four years in college studying to become a political theorist, so I know a little bit about what I say.

The Republican Party is currently doing what they have done for eight years:  irrationally blocking the president of the United States from fulfilling his duty to appoint a justice to the supreme court. Now, they also are trying to exercise their myth of authority in their Republican Party to defeat the voice and power of the people of the United States. How dare they try to silence my fellow citizens! I thought the voice we all listened to without prejudice was the people!

In my college years, I was president of the Young Republicans in Michigan. Never did I try to represent anybody but my college colleagues. I resent people’s voice being run “roughshod” over by this 2016 Republican Party!