Letter to the editor: Weather warning

Lawrence Journal-World opinion section

To the editor:

Once again, in the wake of deadly storms in Kansas, we see advice from our local emergency preparedness staff about how to stay aware of severe weather.

One of the best ways should be a weather radio, tuned to the National Weather Service. With a battery backup, it does not depend on the power being on or the phone lines connected. Unfortunately, reception is spotty in Lawrence. We are on the outer fringes of reception for broadcasting stations in Topeka and Kansas City area. At my house, we can get the Topeka station, except when there is severe weather to the west. Go figure.

The weather service is aware of this, but does not have funds to construct a new broadcast station to cover Lawrence. Our local emergency preparedness people are aware also. They did not choose to mention this problem, at least as published in the Journal-World interview. They should be leading an effort to get coverage for Lawrence, but have been passive. Maybe someone will try after people get killed.