Letter: Wrong focus

To the editor:

I cannot believe the enabling role that the major media has played in sponsoring the Trump candidacy for president. The amount of free time the media has provided to his campaign activities has more than tripled the time provided to the other candidates combined. No wonder he has spent very little of his own funds for advertising.

While all of the others candidates spend their time and effort on discussing substantive issues that effect our country, Trump gets by with sound bites and personal attacks and other antics to distract the public from the fact that Trump hasn’t a clue on how to practically address the problems we face and the media encourages it by the dawn to dusk and beyond coverage of his ego blasts.

Trump is right about one thing: The driving force behind the media coverage of this campaign has nothing to do with issues with substance. It has everything to do with ratings. To them it is the entertainment factor and not the educational or informative factor that takes precedence in their coverage.

For 24 to 48 hours this week, most of the coverage was about Trump’s withdrawal from the Fox-sponsored Thursday night debate and his petty differences with Roger Ailes and Megyn Kelly. It is a very sad commentary on the state of our political process. Sound bites and personal attacks aren’t going to solve our problems, folks.