Letter: Public education

To the editor:

Most conspiracy theories are for wingnuts, but this one is gathering documentation, namely that ideologues are bent on destroying free public education in Kansas.

Last year, despite anemic resources, the Legislature voted to divert up to $10 million to direct tax rebates for corporations funding students to transfer to private or parochial schools, which can hire unlicensed teachers and ignore accreditation requirements and state assessment tests (Rep. Boldra, R-Hays). The response was less than 8 percent of anticipated, so now the diversion would be extended to individuals and to all public schools, and taxpayers will reimburse 90 percent of contributions, up from 70 percent. Boldra stated, “All of the money … went to … parochial schools,” apparently violating the First Amendment.

Kansas courts have held for over a decade that the Legislature is violating the Kansas Constitution by repeatedly underfunding public schools. Gov. Sam Brownback tried to duck those verdicts with his block-grant plan, further cutting funding to most districts for two years. The Supreme Court found this unconstitutional and noted that it discriminated against poorer districts. Senate President Susan Wagle is trying to wiggle out of the responsibility to fix school funding, saying that one legislative session isn’t enough time. This ignores the fact that this is the second session since the Brownback blockbuster that was supposed to provide time to fix the system. One begins to suspect what “fix” means in this context.

How to save public schools? Vote the rascals out!