Letter to the editor: Who’s unfit?

To the editor:

Recently, President Barack Obama pronounced Donald Trump “unfit” to be President. Based on President Obama’s example, let’s explore what it takes to make a “fit” president.

First, you need to be raised devoid of any national pride, hanging out on the beach, smoking dope with your friends. Then launch your political career in the home of a domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers, who once bragged, “Guilty as hell and free as a bird.”

He has presided over an economic growth of less than 3 percent for seven and probably eight years. He has made diplomatic blunder after blunder, failing to back the Green Revolution, ensuring Iran will have nuclear weapons, insulting our closest ally in the Middle East, Israel, deposing leaders in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is just a front for al-Qaida, and calling an extremely dangerous terror organization the “JV” team. This JV team is now reaching into any nation it wants and murdering innocent people in the name of Islam.

President Obama has embraced the “Black Lives Matter” group that now silences opposition at any opportunity and has encouraged the attack on police officers. His administration has ignored the rule of law whenever it didn’t suit their agenda. Tell us, President Obama, what sacrifices did you make before becoming president? Unfit? Indeed.