Letter to the editor: Clinton record

Lawrence Journal-World opinion section

To the editor:

In her letter to the editor, Audrey Mortensen argued that Hillary Clinton’s experience makes her qualified to serve as president. Let’s look at that experience:

l In 1983, Gov. Bill Clinton appointed his wife to chair the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee. At that time, Arkansas’ education system ranked 48th in the country. When the Clintons left Arkansas, it ranked 49th.

l In 1993, President Clinton appointed his wife to head the Task Force on National Health Care Reform. The controversial and secretive task force presented a plan even Democrats disliked. According to Democratic Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, “Anyone who thinks (the Clinton health care plan) can work in the real world as presently written isn’t living in it.”

l As Moynihan’s successor in the Senate, Clinton’s most notable vote was to authorize the use of force against Iraq.

l Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state began with the reset button debacle with Russia and ended with the deceit regarding Benghazi. In between, she demonstrated a gross disregard for the laws and regulations governing the handling of classified material.

Clinton has been successful in one area: Delivering speeches for $200,000 a pop. Unfortunately, we’re unable to witness her competency here since she refuses to release the transcripts.