Letter: Fresh thinking

To the editor:

In my many varied residences around the country, city managers are sort of like preachers: They do the job for five or so years and then move on to somewhere else. That does not seem to be the case in Lawrence. Instead, the baton is passed off to whomever is next in line as if it’s their turn. It would seem this practice has been ongoing for many years if not decades.

I have nothing against any current city government incumbent but do believe a change of habit is necessary. It is way past due for some new and fresh thinking in city management. I support very much a hire from outside for the new city manager. A different look and attitude would be, I believe, very good for Lawrence.

As for Kasold, it appears that city staff has already made their mind up despite widespread feelings to the contrary by many residents. It appears very silly to have rebuilt Kasold entirely from 31st Street to Bob Billings Parkway and now reduce lanes to one each way until nearly Sixth. I think the staff is too caught up in buzzword type actions and possibly fads. To complete the project as advertised is likely to be a serious mistake.