Letter: Abusive headline

To the editor:

All right, we get it: This year’s Kansas University football team has issues, lots of issues.  However, I don’t think that gives this newspaper license to put out headlines like the one we saw on Sunday — “BONEHEADED” — after another loss.

While it’s one thing to report when a coach publicly calls out his players (good ones like David Beaty don’t), it’s quite another for reporters to do so. Describing the game is enough; assigning adjectives like this one approaches abuse. What are we going to be treated to for the rest of the season?  LAMEBRAINED? NUMBSKULLED? KNUCKLEHEADED?

For crying out loud, these are 19- and 20-year-old young men out there doing their best, representing their university. They’ve got a big hill to climb and they know it. They don’t need to be singled out as a bunch of screw-ups. Enough is enough, guys. Just give us the facts and spare us the embellishments.