Letter: Proud of city

To the editor:

I was so grateful to be present at Justice Matters’ presentation to the City Commission Tuesday. It was wonderful to see so many people working to make our community a better place, especially for the most vulnerable. I keep thinking of a phrase our Jewish brothers and sisters use: Tikkun Olam, repairing, healing the world. That phrase so beautifully portrays the goal. 

Something so new and different did not come without some bumps. But, in the end, the information was presented in a positive way. I was comparing in my mind with the Occupy movement: a lot of sound and fury, but nothing in the end. I also thought of some right-wing groups that focus on distrust and hatred of government.

I also appreciate our city commissioners who listened patiently to a variety of speakers from Lawrence. It seemed clear that this commission wants input from the people of our city, and I am proud to be a Lawrencian