Letter: Fascinating photos

To the editor:

Wow! Have you seen all the photographs of people’s faces in different expressions? I find this totally fascinating. Look around. There is an especially large group of photos at the Lawrence Public Library as you go in the front door — people smiling, laughing, frowning, sadness — each representing the person they appear to be at a particular moment in their lives.

The photos are totally original and show just how different each one of us in this city of Lawrence. The photos (most of them, or all of them; I am not sure) will be out in a book this summer, and they are part of the author’s project: “Lawrence Inside Out.”

I am hoping also that this particular artist will include people of all aspects, not just creative people. (Actually, we are all creative in one way or another.) Pictures should include people who live in East Lawrence, North Lawrence, all parts of Lawrence, as well as different levels of jobs — janitors, bus monitors, drivers, homemakers, school teachers, garbage men, bankers, chefs, food servers, caretakers (though most of us are caretakers at one time or another in our lives).

As you are walking downtown, take time to really enjoy the photos and imagine how each person feels at that particular time. (Definitely check out the library display.)