Letter: Outside review

To the editor:

Commissioner Flory has written an excellent letter in the Your Turn column (June 9) which reads like an attempt to explain away the looming question in the minds of the general public, as to the issue of political favoritism relative to Kris Kobach’s building project. However, there are still unanswered questions.

Having recently built a new home in rural Douglas County, I have gone through the process of checking zoning regulations, making applications for permits and witnessing the work of the construction inspectors. The zoning and codes office was always helpful in telling me what permits were required and who to contact to acquire the permits. The construction inspectors on my project were thorough and knowledgeable. They were not overly zealous. I understood that their work was for my benefit and for the benefit of the public good.

My question is: If Kobach got the same treatment from the inspectors as I did, why did the administration need to replace the construction inspectors with a rubber-stamping supervisor? Was Kobach complaining? Was Kobach asking for different treatment?

In the interests of transparency, I support County Administrator Craig Weinaug’s recommendation that the county engage a third party to conduct an investigation.