Letter: Editorial orders?

To the editor:

During the past forever, editor Simons has made a tremendous effort to present and sell his dream for America. He made it clear that he intends to spend his ink hammering home his concerns and goals for those identified as “gullible” Americans.

Simons is a superb writer, and his fans accept his statements as gospel. He selects his audiences wisely — one of his ownership perks. He is a master at the keyboard and delivers his messages in a slick, polished manner. When he talks about the illiterate, he does not include the millions of Americans who have given up looking for editorial literacy in the Lawrence Journal-World. Simons paints a pretty picture of the state’s economy and yet, others and others and yet others and others, claim the picture has been stolen by al-Qaida, Boko Haram and Benghazi denizens.

One has to wonder what is in store for this country, college students and all, during the coming millennia of columns and columns and columns that issue forth from the editor-in-chief. Will the country be governed by cooperative, productive efforts in the publishing house, or will editorial orders be the rule or action of the day? Will massive missives continue to threaten us?