Letter: Maternal policy?

To the editor:

I am still in a state of disbelief and shock. I suddenly find myself in total agreement with a position statement offered by our governor in his inaugural address. As quoted in the Journal-World, the governor said: “Our culture is at its best when we protect and encourage the weakest. Every life, at every stage, in every place has a dignity beyond our imagining.”

Had I not read this with my own eyes, I would not have believed that this reflected the position of Gov. Brownback or of his party. Accordingly, I now can look forward to upcoming reconsideration of the critical Medicaid expansion, one among numerous issues which have such impact on the weakest among us. As our state Legislature implements the governor’s radical vision, it will of course need to avoid becoming overly paternalistic in the process. Perhaps instead we will favor a more maternalistic approach to social issues and concerns?