Letter: Ballot support

To the editor:

Our public schools are critical to the health and well-being of our community. Public education provides the stepping stones for our children to grow and develop into contributing members of our businesses, civic and public organizations and communities of faith.

Our public schools can only serve our community with adequate funding. Every voter within our school district received a ballot in the mail with the choice to maintain the current level of local funding of our public schools. A “yes” vote will continue $1.4 million of local funding within the Lawrence school district without raising taxes. This level of $1.4 million in funding is equivalent to 25 teachers, 72 percent of the utilities budget, or 83 percent of the library media staff and programs.

Your “yes” vote is critical to our community. Please vote and return mail your ballot in the enclosed self-addressed envelope. This ballot must be received by our County Clerk’s Office by noon on Jan. 27.