Letter: All-out effort

To the editor:

ISIS. There are probably not too many folks that have not heard the news reports about this cancer on the face of the world and the activities of ISIS.

Our president has been criticized on many fronts for his apparent inability to discover a “solution” on the problem. You hear the wail of “no boots on the ground” (presumably American boots).  This is a massive cop-out on the problem. It will take many boots of many nations on the ground to defeat (not “obstruct,” “delay,” “suppress” or any other limp dodge of the problem) this massive Islamic (yes, President Obama, “Islamic”) disaster growing in the Middle East.

In June of 1944 the countries of the free world fighting World War II united in a massive effort to destroy Hitler’s Third Reich with an invasion of Europe. The cancer of ISIS is tantamount to Hitler’s Third Reich in many ways and needs to be treated as such. A massive invasion of dominating force needs to be formulated by the decent and free countries of the world and ISIS taken out, burned out, killed, and destroyed to the bare dirt.  

This is what we did to destroy the Third Reich. We must do it again to destroy ISIS. To do less or nothing hazards all the countries of the world. This cancer requires direct action and “no boots on the ground” will not work for the task at hand.