Letter: Failed state?

To the editor:

The toxic tea party Bolsheviks who seized control of the Kansas Republican Party are waging war against the people of Kansas. They are aided and abetted by the notorious special K-food brothers and their handmaidens in the state Legislature, the governor, secretary of state, attorney general, and other such mendacious public officials.

Their targets are the Kansas Supreme Court, racial and sexual minorities, immigrants, academics, environmentalists, poor and middle-class residents and anyone else with an IQ over 100 who doesn’t subscribe to their narrow prejudices.

Our so-called representatives in Topeka plan to make Kansas the Mississippi of the Plains, the laughing stock of the nation and a disgrace to great Kansans like Dwight Eisenhower, William Allen White, Alf Landon, Phog Allen, Billy Mills, Jesse Owens, Walter Payton, Amelia Earhart, Nancy Kassebaum and Kathleen Sebelius.

If just a few more Kansans — Democrats, Republicans and independents — had voted in November for the opponents of our present governor and for other challengers, we would at least have someone in the state capitol to veto stupid and discriminatory legislation and help Kansas avoid slipping into the category of a failed state.

As a member of the KU faculty for 48 years, I wish to retire with some confidence that I’ll live out my days with a smattering of pride that I made the right choice coming here to work, raise a family and enjoy the scenery.