Letter: Faith, freedom

To the editor:

Per the understanding of Carl Burkhead, “we have taken Christ out if Christmas, holy out of holidays and thanks out of Thanksgiving.” (Public Forum, Dec. 19) I wonder who the “we” are?

As a Christian, I have no need or desire for government, the school system or even Starbucks to determine how I may observe the holidays. It is the responsibility of the Christian church and its participants to keep Christ in Christmas and the Holy in holidays. I am, in fact, thankful that the collective “we,” in all of our complex diversity, made the wise decision to separate the functions of the state (the presumed “we”) from those of the church. In so doing, people of all faiths and of no faith may choose to observe the holidays as they choose.

Keeping Christ in Holy Christmas is my charge and responsibility, regardless of the attitudes and actions of the “we” of which I am also a part. I rejoice in my faith, and give thanks for the freedom to do so.