Letter: ISIS action

To the editor:

On June 6, 1944,  President Roosevelt and our allies in WWII  arranged a massive invasion of France to defeat Hitler’s Fortress Europa.

Today, we have an enemy as dangerous, more so even than the Third Reich. Hitler never succeeded in arranging attacks inside the United States against innocent people.

President Obama says he is “making efforts to defeat ISIS.” Baloney. We are wringing our hands and doing nothing. All talk no action. “No boots on the ground.” Baloney….. 

We need a similar massive invasion against the cancer known as ISIS (or ISIL to some). We need to go in and clean out the entire “Islamic State” down to the bare dirt. Leave nothing. No one in 1944 was concerned about “collateral damage.” Just destroy the Third Reich again.

But I need to agree with one (just one) assertion of Trump: “Our leaders are not getting it done.”