Letter: Role models?

To the editor:

I would like to applaud Jack Ozegovic and Richard Heckler for their insightful views expressed in the Public Forum section of the Aug. 25 Journal-World. 

In Kansas, we currently have a Republican governor and Legislature who have a penchant for expressing Christian values while making war on the poor and hungry, the disabled, the homeless, voting rights, public education, Planned Parenthood, unions, a cleaner environment, democracy, the arts, numerous social agencies (the lists goes on ad infinitum). “Where exactly, does one find Jesus in this scenario?” asks Mr. Ozegovic. Where indeed? 

Meanwhile, Gov. Brownback and his right-wing cronies continue to goose-step to the tune of the Koch brothers and the American Legislative Exchange Council (funded by the Koch brothers, among other right-wing organizations). My questions to you, Gov. Brownback, and your Republican-packed Legislature are: “What kind of role models are you for your children and, for that matter, all the children of Kansas, when your party motto appears to be ‘hurrah for the rich and to hell with the disadvantaged’?  Have you no shame?”